Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trader's diary - 16/7/13

By Smoking Gun

Disclaimer: This is a mock portfolio and all trades referred in the the context of this mock portfolio are purely hypothetical based on actual prices observed during actual trading. This mock portfolio only serves merely to demonstrate the methods in my stock picking and trading strategy and does not represent a solicitation or recommendation to buy and sell any security or financial instrument. The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. The ideas expressed are solely my opinions. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis, or commentary on this site is ultimately your responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions.

Slow day. Didn't add any new positions today. Didn't like how OKH Global was trending. MFI starting to slide. Rule of thumb, if the MFI slides 3points below the high watermark, then look for exits. May have to exit at a loss. Hopefully it will not be to great a setback. Elsewhere equity and bond markets look stable for the moment. There would be some noise from Bernanke's congressional testimony on Wednesday night but methinks the impact would be muted as the markets had already taken cue from some his soundbites earlier last week. The conditions are right for a good trading market for the rest of this month. Looking to add more trades in tomorrow.


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